Membre de la Fédération des Professionnels de la méthode Pilates (Fpmp) et titulaire du diplôme CQP-ALS (Certificat de Qualification Professionnelle d’Animateur de Loisir Sportif) pour l’enseignement du Pilates en France.

A Bit about Me
My goal as a Pilates instructor is to vous aider à vous sentir plus à l’aise dans votre propre corps, à le renforcer en harmonie avec votre esprit et votre mental afin d’être mieux préparés pour vos activités quotidiennes.
I have been teaching Pilates since 2010 , and it has been part of the many chapters of my life since 2005. When I first started, I was an Internet Project Manager and I attended Pilates classes after work. What a contrast and pleasure it was to move and breathe! In 2009 I traded in my sedentary profession for a new one, in movement and in constant contact with others. I moved to Boulder, Colorado for a year to attend The Pilates Center Training Program.
I continued my Pilates practice throughout both of my pregnancies in 2012 and 2017. Pilates was an integral part of my well-being during pregnancy and recovery after the childbirths. It helped and continues to help my body meet the physical demands of caring for children.
Life is ever changing and Pilates is the perfect method to accompany the physical challenges. En ayant fait et en faisant chaque jour l’expérience, je peux vous le garantir !
I left Paris for a year to attend the world renowned 900-hour teacher training program at The Pilates Center in Boulder, Colorado - USA. The Founders of The Pilates Center, sisters Amy Taylor Alpers and Rachel Taylor Segel, studied with one of Joseph Pilates' original students and apprentices, Romana Kryzanowska . This teacher training program is taught by some of the most esteemed and dedicated teachers in the field. The students are extensively tested in knowledge of the method and anatomy as well as in pedagogical methods and practice.
I have also attended workshops on teaching Pilates to pre-natal and post-partum women. Notably I trained with Carolyne Anthony of Center for Women’s Fitness.
Continuing Education
Continuing education is constant exploration of the method, one's own practice of it and an on-going relationship and collaboration with Pilates teachers from around the world. In the past few years I have regularly attended workshops with Cara Reeser).